Community Investment
Our Co-op was built to serve, grow and invest in our community. That’s why we return our profits to local members and support the causes that matter to you. Outlined below are the three pillars of our community investment:
- the Community Support Fund, through which community groups and organizations can request donations and sponsorship throughout the year (see details and link to application below)
- the Sustainable Communities Fund (new), which accepts applications for capital projects and new program development funding from September 1 to September 30 (see details and link to application below)
- Fundraising Support, through charity barbeques and our gift card program (see details and link to application below)
NOTE: Prairie North Co-op uses Do Some Good to power their application forms, please see the links below. Someone in the group applying must have a Co-op membership in our co-operative to apply for funding, and the group’s purpose should align with our values of service, integrity and unity. Prairie North Co-op, like other community-minded businesses, receives numerous requests for donations each month, please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for request review and processing. We work hard to assist in as many community organizations as possible, however due to the high volume of requests received, not all worthwhile proposals will be approved. Such a response does not reflect upon the value of your organization and the valuable service you provide. Applications are reviewed and the recipients will be chosen at the discretion of Prairie North Co-op. We look forward to working with you to build a better community.
Please download and review our 2023 Community Giving Strategy document to determine if your group qualifies for support. A link to the document is provided at the bottom of this page.
Prairie North Co-op’s Community Support Fund provides cash or in-kind donations to non-profit groups and organizations to help support programming, complete projects or improve facilities and/or services that enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve. This program is open throughout the year for requests under $3,000.
NOTE: Recipients must provide a report to Prairie North Co-op on the success of the program, how the funds were used and the impact the funds had on the program. This report shall be provided within three months of completion of the program or project.
The Prairie North Co-op Sustainable Communities Fund (SCF) is an allocation of funds to non-profit organizations that support community development. The purpose of the SCF is to provide support to capital projects and new programs that will enhance the quality of life for the people in the communities and surrounding region that make up the Prairie North Co-op trading area – Archerwill, Brooksby, Kelvington, Melfort, Naicam, Spalding, and St. Brieux.
Each year a set amount of funding will be allocated to the SCF based on gross sales. Applications for project funding will open September 1st and close September 30th. Upon closing, a SCF selection committee will be formed to review the applications and choose which projects will receive funding. Successful applications will be announced during Co-op Week in October.
Funding is to be used to support the development of our communities while reflecting our co-operative values through:
1. Capital projects - build, expand, and/or improve facilities; or
2. New programs - develop and implement new programs that support the people in our communities
Additional eligibility requirements:
- Must be a capital project or a new program
- The project or program must provide long-term, sustainable, positive results for the greatest number of people
- Most of the funds are directly utilized for the project or program, with minimal administrative costs
- While membership at Prairie North Co-op is not a requirement, preference will be given to our members when the final decision must be made between two comparable projects/programs
- The project must be completed within one year of receiving Community Investment funding (receipts and invoices will be required)
- The project or program must be in the trading area of Prairie North Co-op
- The project or program reflects positively on our co-operative, provides the most exposure possible while maintaining Prairie North Co-op’s respected image
See the link below for the Sustainable Communities Fund Guidelines and frequently asked questions.
Community Events: Click Here to Apply
Charity BBQs: Click Here to Apply
Gift Card Program:
Support your organization AND your community with a Co-op Gift Card Fundraiser! Your group receives 5% of the total amount of gift cards sold during your fundraiser (to a maximum of $20,000 in gift card sales). NOTE: gift cards cannot be used for payment on accounts, bulk fuel, card lock, crop protection, fertilizer, grain bins, livestock equipment, bulk feed, home renovations, liquor, gift cards or estimated and quoted purchases (decks, garages, flooring, etc.). Click Here to Apply
Check out some of the local organizations and causes that we’re proud to support.