2021 Sustainability Report Released on Earth Day
April 22, 2022

Melfort, SK (for immediate release) – Co-operatives are a different kind of business. For us, sustainability means looking through the lens of the social, economic, and environmental effects of our business as we plan and make decisions to ensure viable operations while having a positive impact on the people and communities we serve.

“At Prairie North Co-op, sustainability drives growth – renovations and new builds – and the facilities decisions that we make around environmental practises, waste reduction and energy efficiency. Sustainability also drives our Ag Division’s recycling efforts for pesticide and seed containers, used oil containers, tires, and batteries. It is our Food Division’s adoption of the LOOP program for food waste diversion and our commitment to sourcing local food suppliers to reduce the environmental impacts of transportation,” explains Terri Larsen, Marketing and Communications Manager for Prairie North Co-op. Larsen goes on to say, “sustainability is the choice of chemicals we use in our car wash in Melfort and how the water used is treated before it returns to the municipal system. And sustainability is employing local people and supporting local projects and organizations so that our members take pride in being a part of our co-operative and our customers feel good about supporting us.”

From features on our community investment and how we give back to the organizations and charities in our trading area; to growing our co-operative; reducing our environmental footprint; living our values; and how we show our appreciation to the people who work for our Co-op beyond the pay cheque they receive, our 2021 Sustainability Report illustrates how we are different and how proud we are of that difference.

Co-ops have long believed in being a responsible business – protecting our members’ investments while also considering our people, our communities and our environment. We are proud of our past. We are excited about our future. We are Co-op.


Prairie North Co-op operates out of 21 locations – from St. Brieux, Spalding and Naicam in the west; to Melfort and Brooksby in the north; and Archerwill and Kelvington in the east. We serve our members with products and services that help build, feed, fuel and grow the communities in which we live and do business.

Prairie North Co-op employs 296 and serves 12,426 members. We continue the tradition of giving back, not only in patronage refunds to our members, but also through financial support to several local organizations. In 2021, sponsorship and donations totaled almost $126,200 to 154 different organizations in our trading area. Locally invested. Community-minded. Lifetime membership benefits. We are Co-op.

For more information contact –
Terri Larsen,
Marketing and Communications Manager
Prairie North Co-op
306 527-4792