Making A Difference with Local Food Banks
Melfort, SK (for immediate release) — Prairie North Co-op is proud to be making a difference with food banks in Kelvington, Melfort, and Naicam by giving thousands of dollars each year through programs like our Fuel Up to Fill Plates campaign; through charity fundraising BBQs that average between $800 and $2000 (depending on the day, weather and location); and through in-kind donations and donation collections. "This year, due to pressing need, the total donation is close to $10,000 whereas, over the last three years, that number combined was just over $12,000", explains general manager, Terry Tremblay.
"Fuel Up to Fill Plates was something that our gas bar division came up with", says gas bar division manager, Keith Mamer. "During the span of 15 days last year we sold 488,665 liters of fuel. We rounded up the 1 cent per litre donation and gave $5000 to local food banks. This year the litres sold between November 29th and December 15th were up, as we raised, just under $6500".
Fuel Up To Fill Plates has become an annual holiday season fundraiser in which one cent from every litre sold is donated to local food banks. Additionally, everyone who fills up has an opportunity to be entered to win a $500 gift card. This year's winner was Arlene Simon from Naicam.
"We are proud of our community giving and so thankful for the support of our members and customers as that is what allows us to give what we do", says Tremblay, "in the spirit of creating community we are always looking for organizations to partner with to help us make a difference in the communities in which we all live, work and do business".
Highlights from the last three years of community giving (not including 2024): NE SPCA $8,500; NEOSS $12,000; local food banks in Kelvington, Melfort, and Naicam $12,000; volunteer fire departments throughout the trading area $25,600; grow field projects in Kelvington, Melfort, Naicam, and St. Brieux $37,500; additional Ag division support to Ag societies, riding clubs, 4-H, etc. $25,800; Ag Producer’s Charity Golf Classic $10,000; schools/school lunch programs $38,200; scholarships $8,675; and the Sustainable Communities Fund since inception in 2021 $75,000.
For more information, or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Terri Larsen, Marketing and Communications Manager
Prairie North Co-op
C: 306.527.4792 | E:
Prairie North Co-op operates out of 25 locations – from St. Brieux, Spalding and Naicam in the west; to Melfort and Brooksby in the north; and Archerwill and Kelvington in the east. We serve our members with products and services that help build, feed, fuel and grow the communities in which we live and do business. As a co-operative, we are a different kind of business; we are not only working for our communities, but we are also owned by our community. Co-ops embed sustainability in their business by planning and investing for the long term, with the community and environment in mind; they work to create jobs; and they partner with other organizations and local businesses. Prairie North Co-op profits do not leave the community, they go back into it – and back to our members. We take pride in our community involvement and our commitment to providing quality products and services.
Prairie North Co-op employs 320 and serves 13,426 members. We continue the tradition of giving back, not only in patronage refunds to our members, but also through financial support to several local organizations. In 2023, sponsorship and donations totalled $153,000 to over 200 different organizations in our trading area. Locally invested. Community-minded. Lifetime membership benefits. We are Co-op.