Q & A 2024 Year in Review
Prairie North Co-op GM, Terry Tremblay and Board Chair, Ed Dufault, break down 2024 in this question and answer format Year in Review. CLICK HERE to view video.
Video transcribed below.
INTRO – Terry Tremblay
• land recognition
Ed Dufault: as a Board we are constantly assessing the sustainability and viability of our co-operative. There is a plan in place to review the facilities and equipment that serve our members. The projects that we are reporting on today have been “on the books” so to speak for several years. Terry, what were some of the key successes of the past year?
SUCCESSES – Terry Tremblay
• celebrated first anniversary of Melfort Liquor Store
• celebrated first anniversary of Melfort Food Store
• celebrated grand opening of Archerwill C-Store/Gas Bar
• Kelvington C-Store/Gas Bar/Liquor project nearing completion
Ed Dufault: 2024 also presented us with some economic realities due to interest rates that have remained high, new competition, particularly in our Ag and Fuel sectors, and the cyber security incident. Can you comment on these?
• impact of interest rates on profits
• comment on new competition and our heritage and there has always been competition
• impact of cyber security impact on members and employees
• comment on lack of snow past year impact on fuel sales
Terry Tremblay: Ed, could you make a few comments about the Board priorities in 2024 and the governance side of our co-operative?
• comment on Board activities and areas of focus
• mention Directors that achieved training milestones
• comment on commitment to communicate and seek feedback from members
Ed Dufault: we have talked about sustainability in terms of ensuring that our members and customers have access to facilities, equipment and services but another aspect of sustainability can be witnessed through our commitment to our people and communities. Terry, can you say a few words about this?
• our co-operative employs 320 individuals who help us to serve 13,426 members
• Archerwill, Rose Valley and Spalding celebrated 100-years and we were major sponsors
• Making a Difference: Archerwill Fire Department, local food banks, Wapiti Ski Hill, Sustainability Fund in its 4th year
THANK YOU – Ed Dufault
• thank you to the leadership team, the admin team, and the team members for supporting each other throughout the last year
WRAP-UP: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year